Does He Do Things That Annoy You?
Lessons in love, lessons in relationship. I love it when these lessons show up and then I have no choice but to share them 🙂
Today I woke up and saw some dirty rags on the floor, realizing they were these new white cloths I had bought to make these healthy drinks. I wanted to step into a cavewoman attack and immediately blame Dave Ulloa, and then I remembered: “Oh…I teach this stuff. Breathe….go into human spirit.” The rest is history…here are the beautiful lessons, and remember, don’t let anything take your power away!
We created a Facebook Group to help people master and own the relationships in life. Partners, spouses, kids, business, home, every area of our life is affected by the opposite sex. We are gifting this group all our courses for free as part of our mastery work with relationship guru, Allison Armstrong. Join and let’s have some fun!